Tuesday, September 7, 2010

100910 - its been 10 years, Ayah~

I promised to myself to create my own blog on 100910...
unfortunately Aidilfitri (1 Syawal 1431H) fell on that date...
(tak mungkinla aku nak ade dpn komputer pulak time raye kan?)

so, why 100910??
10 years ago, exactly on 10th of September at 11.55 pm, i lost my beloved Ayah
and for this, we only balik kampung on the 1st day of Hari Raya after visiting his grave...

I've always wished to tell people about my Ayah...
so, here it is~ a blog to tell stories about my Ayah...
to tell how great he was (bencinye kene gune 'was'...lepas ni aku nk cerite dlm BM je...), to tell funny stories about him, and to describe him from my point of view, his eldest daughter...
He is, and never was, my Ayah, MOHD NORDIN BIN SALLEH~  who dedicated his whole life to love and care about his family...

AYAH~ I always miss and love you...
father's daughter: 10th Hari Raya without my Ayah


  1. Ecah dah ade blog :)...anyway sabar cah, al-fatihah for him...

  2. Selamat datang ke dunia blog anakandaku along,

    yang pastinya kita akan merasai ketiadaannya selepas ketiadaanya...i miss my beloved ayah too
    al fatihah buat mereka..duhai ayah berbahagialah di sana..
